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Biodiesel Fuel Delivery and Supply

Enjoy utilizing cleaner, greener fuels from us.

Have you heard about biodiesel? You may be wondering what it is, and why you would want to use it with your equipment and fleet vehicles.

What exactly is biodiesel?

Biodiesel is made through the harvesting and combination of renewable, environmentally friendly sources such as:

  • Plant Oils: Soybean, Rapeseed, Palm, Sunflower & Corn
  • Algae
  • Animal Fats
  • Recycled Restaurant Cooking Oils
the Kuskie Fuel Services difference
It is then blended with diesel fuel to create a hybrid fuel that burns more cleanly, and producing lower emissions, which makes it better for the planet. And its use reduces our country’s dependence on foreign fuel supplies.

The blended biodiesel we deliver is the only EPA-designated advanced biofuel in commercial-scale production in the United States.

Why should I use blended biodiesel in my operations?

Blended biodiesel is better for your business. Because it burns more cleanly, it creates less wear on your equipment and vehicle engines. That means less maintenance, fewer repairs, and longer life, reducing your expenses.

And by using an alternative fuel, your business may be eligible for tax breaks or incentives.

Using blended biodiesel also gives your business an edge over the competition. Many customers value environmental friendliness, where blended biodiesel shines brightest.

We offer fleet fueling with local, reliable delivery you can always count on!

As with gasoline and diesel fuels, you get prompt, reliable delivery when you buy your blended biodiesel from Kuskie fuel.

Our commercial fuels experts will go over how you’ll be using blended biodiesel and set up a delivery schedule designed specifically for your business needs. We also expertly and safely install and service tanks and offer wireless tank monitoring, too.

Contact Kuskie Fuel to learn more about what our blended biodiesel can do for your Colorado and Nebraska based business.